The RSPCA launched four animal welfare investigations after horses were worked to exhaustion at Appleby Horse Fair.

Chief Inspector Rob Melloy said his team were looking out for a minority of people who don’t look after their horses as well as they could and those who deliberately abuse animals.

“It has been a busy fair for the RSPCA with exhaustion of horses being one of our main concerns," he said. "Whilst the warm weather may have played a part, we were seeing people working their horses to the point of failing exhaustion tests and we have four on-going investigations as a result."

He was also disappointed that despite warnings there were two incidents of dogs being left in cars - one where officers were able to rescue the dog from an unlocked car and a second where the owner arrived back as officers were about to take action. None of the animals suffered as a result.

He added that there appear to be more horses that last year and in welfare terms said "it has not been too bad a year at all."

Mr Melloy thanked the other charities who worked alongside the RSPCA at this year's event.

Police made seven arrested at the fair which was said to be one of the busiest in recent years. Read more .