Copeland Borough Council has introduced slogans onto the sides of its bin lorries to promote a greener lifestyle and support mayor Mike Starkie’s ‘Pride of Place’ campaign.

Using a new graphics system, it has allowed the council to spread eco-friendly messages to help inform residents of what can be recycled from household goods that are normally overlooked, such as bathroom spray cleaners and bleach bottles.

Mayor Starkie’s campaign, which encourages the public to reduce fly-tipping, dog-fouling, and littering, as well as helping businesses repair and renovate the outside of their premises.

Pat Graham, chief executive of Copeland Borough Council, said: “The messages support the existing campaigns and will be highly visible on the streets as refuse collection vehicles go on their rounds.”

The ability to quickly change the graphics on the lorries also opens up an opportunity for advertisement places, meaning local businesses could bring plenty of attention to themselves, as well as raising additional funding for the council.

Investment into Copeland’s waste collection services has more than doubled the average tonnage of recycling collected. This includes the new signage, kerbside services, and vehicles.