A SECURITY guard has been jailed for stealing an historic mayoress's badge from the flood-ravaged Carlisle Civic Centre.

Gavin Fletcher, 35, was employed to look after the Rickergate building after it was flooded during Storm Desmond in December. 

But Carlisle Crown Court heard that having seen the distinctive gold badge in a strong room, Fletcher "gave into temptation". 

He snatched the 117-year-old badge, which was worth up to £55,000, before smashing it up into tiny pieces. He sold some of these pieces for around £500. 

The court was told Fletcher also stole a water pump from the Civic Centre. 

When confessing to police he said he planned to use the pump to make money by helping flooded residents.

Fletcher, of Roman Road, Penrith, was jailed for 30 months by Judge Peter Davies today. 

Fletcher had pleaded guilty to a total of eight offences at an earlier hearing.

He was told by Judge Davies: "The brooch has been destroyed; the brooch will never be recovered. That is all your fault."

Speaking after the hearing, 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank those staff from Carlisle City Council who devoted time and patience to assisting this investigation.

“From the inquiries conducted, it is my belief that Fletcher only gained access to a key because of the devastating floods that hit Carlisle in December.

“Due to the irreparable damage, caused by Fletcher in his attempts to profit from his crime, it is saddening that a piece of historic value to Carlisle has been lost.”

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