A Workington church has held its first ordination service, carried out by the Bishop of Carlisle.

The Rev Dr Peter Powell, received his ordination to priesthood at a service at St Michael's church on June 29 by the Right Rev James Newcome, Bishop of Carlisle.

He said: "It is an amazing honour and privilege to step into the continuing history of this place and to serve the people as their latest priest."

Dr Powell had served for 12 months as a curate, performing weddings, funerals and christenings. He can now take services, holy eucharist and pronounce absolutions.

He said: "I feel really confirmed in the call to come to Workington, this vocation, more settled in that role and very positive about the whole thing. It was wonderful, a really special service."

The church was packed out for the occasion with clergy from all the neighbouring churches and visiting clergy.

In addition to being the first ordination to be held at the church, it was also very unique in the fact that Dr Powell's wife, the Very Rev Dr Frances Ward, priested at the service.

His wife was the Dean of St Edmondsbury Cathedral and now works part time for the diocese and helps at St Michael's.

Others at the service included Dr Powell's training incumbent, the Rev Julia Powley, rector of Harrington and Distington, who has assisted Dr Powell through his curacy and Archdeacon of West Cumberland the Ven Richard Pratt and Canon Peter Clement, Director of Ordinands, who presented him and confirmed him.