AN IMPRESSIVE new piece of art has been unveiled on the Solway - which will help the memory of a local man live on.

It was originally hoped that the origin of the structure would be kept a secret, but a post on social media let the identity of the man behind it slip.

“It was one of my dad’s wonderful ideas,” explained Paul Richardson, 49, who lives in Kirkbride.

“He saw one of them and he wanted one in Silloth. He wanted it to be anonymous, but since someone put it online, I thought I might as well make it public.”

The structure - produced by Durham artist Ray Lonsdale - was unveiled on Silloth Green yesterday.

It was erected in memory of Silloth man Peter Richardson, who passed away in 2017 aged 72.

Paul explained where his dad’s idea came from.

“He had seen one of Ray’s (Lonsdale) sculptures on his travels down the country. He thought it was amazing and he thought we should get one for Silloth Green.

“He tracked down Ray and asked him to do a few sketches of a big gentleman.”

Paul believes the end product is something his dad would’ve been proud of.

“I think it is right what he wanted,” Paul said.

“It is very special; that is why he should be mentioned, so people know it was for him.”

The work of art - named “Big Fella” - encapsulates a man and his dog taking in the beautiful sea views and shielding his eyes from the sun.

Paul continued: “Every time my dad went to Silloth Green he said ‘look at that view’. He was in awe.

“Silloth is not the sort of place that everybody loves, but my dad thought it was superb.

“The sculpture is not a copy of him by a long way, but I think he wanted something to look out at the sea, look at Criffel.

“He loved the view at Silloth, as did my mum.”

Unfortunately Peter passed away before he could fulfil his wish, but his son was determined to complete the job that his dad started several years ago.

Mark Orchard, mayor of Silloth, said: “On behalf of myself and Silloth town council, we would truly like to thank the late Mr Richardson and his gracious family for leaving such a generous gift to the town.”