The puzzling success of a small village event at the weekend has ensured it will be held again.

Crosby was the venue for what organisers believe was the first jigsaw festival in West Cumbria and they have been delighted at the success.

“We had people coming from as far away as Seascale,” said Crosscanonby Community Centre committee chairman Laura Morgan. “We made £500 to share between the hall and for the development of the local playground. The proceeds came from admission fees, the sale of used and new jigsaws and the sale of jigsaw-shaped biscuits. We will definitely do this again next year. It was a lot of extremely hard work but at the end of the day wer raised a great amount and gave a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.”

There was more to the day than just admiring the jigsaws on exhibit.

Seven adults took part in a competition to see who could complete a 500-piece jigsaw in less than three hours. Nobody succeeded.

Children created their own paint, glitter and glue jigsaw pieces which will be put together and framed.

The fundraising does not stop here however. On Saturday, October 12, a Whist Drive will be held for community centre funds and on Friday, October 18, an ‘80s night with disco and bar will raise money for the play park.