UPCOMING talks will give a refresher on physics with a deep dive into space and the environment.

Cafe Scientifique will go ahead with three talks throughout April and another at the end of May.

The talks, which are usually hosted once per month at Brampton Community Centre, have adapted to the ongoing coronavirus situation.

Instead, they will be held online on GoToMeeting.

The first will be a physics refresher class from Phil Furneaux ahead of the two main talks in April.

He will give an introductory seminar on waves, the doppler effect, and spectra between 7pm and 9pm on April 15.

This is all in preparation for Dr David Sobral’s talk the next day which will cover his research programme at Lancaster University.

Dr Sobral will discuss how galaxies are formed and how do they evolve, as well as presenting some of the latest discoveries.

Slicing the Universe in Cosmic Time will be held on April 16 between 7pm and 9pm.

The third talk to be held as part of the online Cafe Scientifique will please revolutionaries of the cosmic variety.

Dr Luke Barnes and Prof Geraint Lewis from Western Sydney University Australia will present their brand new book to the people of Brampton and beyond on April 30.

The pair will attempt to reveal how cosmology actually works and the messiness of science.

It will start at 7.30pm.

The final event is still in the works but it is hoped that Jonathan Steven will be able to talk about renewable energy.

This would be held on May 28.