A charity working tirelessly to support families in West Cumbria has injected new life into its organisation.

Howgill Family Centre has recruited three new trustees after a successful appeal in The Whitehaven News, which attracted 26 applicants.

Last year Cumbria County Council made the shock announcement that a London-based charity would take over some services delivered by Howgill.

But the charity is keen to highlight that it is still working to provide much-needed support to families.

Brenda Holden, chairman of the trustees, said: "We've been getting Howgill back on its feet and transforming it into a new organisation, working tirelessly to keep things going.

"The trustees we have recruited are people from exactly the right background and the right skills and experience we needed to really refresh the board, which is wonderful."

The charity still delivers Early Years provision around Copeland, including at Cleator Moor and on Catherine Street in Whitehaven.

Brenda said: "They're obviously closed now due to the coronavirus, but they were thriving up until then and we'll reopen as soon as the restrictions are lifted."

Howgill Family Centre also offers a family finance service, supporting families who are struggling and helping them budget, claim benefits and access other services they may be eligible for.

"We're working with 16 families at the moment, we do get referrals from health visitors and the new provider that took over the county council's contract, but people can also self-refer.

"We also provide emotional wellbeing support, working with children in three primary schools."

The charity provides support and help to children who are suffering from issues such as loss trauma.

The programme will restart and also extend to other schools once coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

Another new project which will start as soon as possible is speech and language development support, in collaboration with the University of Cumbria and the University of Central Lancashire.

Brenda said: "It's an exciting development that we're really looking forward to.We also really have to pay tribute to our funders, who have never abandoned us."

Those include Sellafield Ltd, Copeland Community Fund, Cumbria Community Foundation and Mike Starkie, Mayor of Copeland.