With the fear of Covid-19 still hanging over many schools, one team is confident its pupils will be safe.

By following the Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA’s) Covid-safe charter, staff of St Bees School are looking forward to welcoming students back in September, continuing with virtual lessons until then.

Guidelines outlined in the charter include specific cleaning processes, emphasis on hand washing, wearing masks, social distancing, monitors testing and staff training, all with the aim of opening a safe and smooth-running school for the new academic year.

“Our online learning [and] teaching has been hugely successful. But there is nothing quite like having the students back in school,” said headmaster Roger Sinnett.

“With the adoption of the covid-safe charter, we are 100 per cent confident that every single one of our students will be in the safest possible hands."

The school is set for one of its most exciting years, welcoming 50 pupils through its doors in September.

Mr Sinnett continued:"Students will be coming from all over the world as well as the UK – from Germany, Turkey, Romania and Kazakhstan – and yet we know that we can still continue our global fusion education in spite of the pandemic happening around us.”

Director of operations Derek Todd said: “This is the largest challenge I have had to face in my career to date – and yet in adhering to the Covid-safe charter, I know that we will have a safe and compliant school environment for our students in September.”

To read more about the Covid-safe charter, visit bit.ly/BSACharter.