Work has started on the River Greta to clear out some of the debris left over from two horrific storms earlier in the year.

After being hit with flooding and storms in February residents had become worried that about the gravel building up at the river in Keswick.

Over the years there has been countless campaigns to dredge the waterway as it has some sharp bends and the debris can gather under the bridge.

Trying to keep the area as safe as possible is Keswick Flood Action Group, who formed after flooding in 2005 and try to apply pressure for increased flood defence measures in the area.

The group also help the community reduce the risk of further flooding in the future.

Just this week a crew from The Environment Agency started to remove the excess and Chair for the flood group, Lynne Jones, said: "It's going terrifically, "After the two storms it was a no brainer they would have to do the work on the river.

"We're thrilled to see them working and taking away what has been washed down stream.

"By clearing the gravel it adds another level of protection to the area as it builds up under the bridge and the water flow is reduced."

Hoping to complete the work in just over a month a spokesman for the agency said: "“The Environment Agency has started to remove gravel deposited in the River Greta following storms Ciara and Dennis in February to reduce flood risk to Keswick and surrounding communities.

"It is anticipated that 10,000 tons of gravel will need to be removed from Greta Bridge and Greta Grove."

"The works started this week and are due to take roughly five weeks to complete.”