Copeland Council looks set to introduce new charges for street and house naming and numbering.

Potential charges for the registering of new addresses, naming or renaming of properties, confirmation of an address and renumbering of housing developments are set to be discussed at a virtual meeting of the council's executive today.

And a report from commercial projects officer Caroline Adams prepared ahead of the meeting has recommended councillors approve the introduction of the fees, which would have earned the council £3,473 during the 2020/21 financial year.

The report concluded: “By introducing a new charge for street naming and numbering, the council will align with its own commercialisation ambition.

“Although not a huge amount of income, nonetheless it is fees that would be received for a job/task that is already being carried out by an officer, regardless.

“No additional effort, resource or input would be required.

“In receiving income as a contribution for work already being undertaken, the council is demonstrating working in a more business-like and commercially-minded way.

“It is important to recognise, and where possible, implement valid and viable commercial ideas and suggestions received from staff.

“This encourages the commercial thinking and culture the organisation needs.”

The report said the idea was submitted by one of the council’s building control officers as part of a campaign to collect suggestions for how the council could generate income and make savings

It added that the practice was already standard at most councils in England, including others in Cumbria.

The council is responsible for street naming and numbering in Copeland and can charge to cover administrative costs it incurs following naming and numbering of new streets and also for changing addresses of existing properties.

The report said the charges would be "consistent with those already set and charged by neighbouring authorities for 2020/21."

The meeting will be streamed live on Copeland Council's website at 10am today and can be viewed at