What do the stars hold for you this Sunday? Astrologer Russell Grant reveals all...

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

Visiting an open market could be an enjoyable experience even if it’s very different from what you would normally expect. Don’t be surprised if you spot items that have been hard to find recently. Be ready to make a choice from a number of opportunities as there are others who would like to take advantage of an offer too.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Everything that can go wrong seems to be doing so, today. If a relative or workmate offers to take over your responsibilities and you like the idea, let them. A message you receive from abroad will be a good omen for some future plans. Reaching a goal will take longer than expected but you will get there.

Gemini (May22/June21)

A friend is becoming fixated on meaningless trivialities. They are wasting your time trying to drag you into their concerns. Make an excuse and leave them to it. If a job you’re doing every day is growing monotonous, rather than be consumed by boredom, find someone else to take over these responsibilities. You have much better things to do.

Cancer (June22/July23)

You could use some mental stimulation but you don’t want to think of anything too serious. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break and doing something different. This might be a good time to remind yourself that all work and no play isn’t good for your health or your social life.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

Gather people around you as you could do with some company. If you’re worried about what someone might think about your ideas, find the courage to ask. This will give you a chance to discuss your thoughts and feelings rather than keeping it all bottled up inside. If a close relationship is showing signs of strain, find fun things to do together.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

Community and fundraising activities have taken up a lot of your time or a partner has been kept occupied with outside interests. It may not be easy to arrange but you want to be with your loved ones. They are missing your company too and one way or another you will find a way to be together.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

There are lessons to be learned from past mistakes. Apologies will be made from those in positions of power. A compensation scheme will be put in place. It may seem like an after-thought but better late than never. Progress is being made and you are seeing people who have suffered being treated with fairness.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Dwelling on the past is preventing you from making the most of opportunities now around you. If you can’t let go of resentment, pain or old hurts, this will keep you rooted in the past. If you’re watching friends celebrate their achievements and moving on, there’s a lesson to be learned somewhere.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Take advantage of any time you get to yourself to reformulate your goals. You want something different out of life and although it isn’t possible yet to start down new paths, you can start making long-term plans. For now, you must accept life the way it is but it will change and you will be ready for new opportunities.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

Following a self-improvement or spiritual development program will make you feel like a better person. If you aren’t feeling good about your appearance, instead of dwelling on minor flaws, embrace your imperfections. This is a great time to add to your wardrobe. Get a new outfit for an important meeting or interview.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You’re wasting your time trying to make sense of a set of instructions that haven’t been written well. Instead of going back over each step to try to work out where you have gone wrong, ask for the help of a talented friend. Do some internet research and you will get to the bottom of a problem.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Fill your life with activities you love most and notice the improvement in your mood and outlook. Relying on other people to bring you happiness can create problems in a relationship. You have the ability to find contentment all by yourself. You might start with trying to please yourself rather than please others.