An artist known for designing sick bags based on current themes has now made coronavirus-themed bags.

Lydia Leith is a Carlisle artist well-known for her sick bags with a twist. In the past ,she’s designed ones based on Brexit, the Royal wedding and the 2016 Presidential election.

However, now with coronavirus being the hot topic of conversation, Lydia has designed sick bags with a Covid picture on them.

As well as these she’s also designed posters; both are in response to the ongoing closures and pandemic.

Lydia said: “Usually over the course of a year I would design a number of event posters. As the year is coming to an end it dawned on me that I had not done any of that kind of work this year and I still wanted to design some posters regardless.

“I decided to design some “non event posters”. With so many events being cancelled or postponed this year it made sense to me, to create a piece of work about it. To me it sums up the feeling that a great many have gone through during this year and this unusual moment in time. Everyone has missed something they would normally do, whether it be an art exhibition, a country show, a music festival or a sporting event.”

Growing up, Lydia lived in East Dulwich, London and was brought up surrounded by inspiring and creative people. Lydia went on to study Design at Edinburgh College of Art.

Following art school Lydia started making and selling a number screen-printed designs. She initially printed the “Throne Up” Royal Wedding Sick Bags as a bit of fun, but the design instantly took off.

“My sick bag designs have a cult following but everyone is so fed up and ‘sick of ’ Covid-19, the restrictions, the anxiety and the so-called ‘new normal’, so I think this should appeal to a wider audience,” added Lydia.

The illustration in the middle is like a map of the world covered in confusing phrases, rules and sign posts, the overall shape of the illustration also looks like the Covid-19 virus molecule we have become familiar with.