A passionate artist died after a long battle with mental health.

Joshua James Stephens, 28, was found in a room in Carlisle by police officers after his parents reported him missing.

During a 45-minute inquest held yesterday, a number of statements were read recalling Mr Stephen’s history and his battle with mental health problems.

Mr Stephens had a passion for art and had some of his work displayed in Tullie House on more than one occasion. 

He attended university but decided to drop out and return home to the city. 

His parents, Lorraine and James, were unaware of his intentions to drop out of university and on returning home he had a number of jobs. 

In a statement read to the court from Mr Stephen’s mum, she said: “He moved to London to attend a degree in illustration.

“After 12 months he dropped out and came home to Carlisle. Josh didn’t give any warning to family he was dropping out.

“Josh kept himself to himself. He moved out to his first flat in Morton and lived there for three years.

“Once he lived on his own he didn’t visit but would keep in contact with me over the phone. 

“In August 2016 we decided to rent privately.”

His mum paid the deposit on another house and this is where Josh moved to and became his permanent home.

In Christmas 2016 he went home, and this is when his family noticed a different in his appearance, looking pale with unwashed hair.

After Christmas lunch Josh broke down and told his father that he wanted to end his life.

The statement from Mrs Stephens continued: “I did Josh’s shopping during the lockdown period, it was a reason to see him and check on him on a weekly basis.

“On May 26 Josh just disappeared. His dad tried to contact him but he wouldn’t answer. I tried to call but the phone just went to voicemail. I called on the house every hour. 

“When I finished work I went round to his house but there was no answer. My concern had been raised, I contacted the police and this is when they entered the property.”

Police officers forced entry to Mr Stephens’ home on the evening of May 27 and found him in the front bedroom. A suicide note outlined his intentions and what he wanted to happen.

Summing up the case, assistant coroner Simon Ward said: “He was described as having a schizoid personality disorder and possibly anxious avoidant personality disorder. He said he felt socially isolated.

“The pattern from First Steps was he refused medication and wasn’t really engaging with them and was discharged in 2019.

“He did report that he had tried to take his life but said he did not go through with that because he was scared of dying. 

“It’s obvious to me that Joshua was a quiet child and was a gifted artist, but he did have mental health issues. He died as a result of a suicide by hanging.”

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