A PROPERTY that has been run as a guest house for 14 years could now be set to change to be used as either a guest house or holiday let.

The owners of Ellergill Guest House in Keswick have submitted the application to change the use of the property to be used guest house or holiday let.

The proposal is to provide a flexible use of the property, operating it either as a guest house or a holiday let.

No internal or external changes are necessary to allow this change.

It has become evident during the pandemic the holiday market has changed and that a traditional guest house is not always the most efficient way to operate the property.

The ability to use it as either a guest house or holiday let allows the owners to respond to circumstances.

The design and access statement states: “In reality it would be possible for a single group to book all the guesthouse rooms as a single let, however the owners would still need to be in residence.

“By being able to operate it as a holiday let where they can reside elsewhere, or possibly even as a guesthouse where they can live offsite will provide an important flexibility to this important business.

“Importantly it would retain the tourist accommodation in this location.

“They have parking for four cars behind the property which will remain for the use of the property occupants.”

Planning permission was granted in November for a change of use for Stranger Street from a guest house to holiday letting accommodation.

This application is different in that the guesthouse would remain in lawful use.

The design and access statement continues: “To support this application a viability assessment is provided to show that it is not viable to convert the property back to permanent residential accommodation, and that keeping it within the tourism market is the best viable option.

“Access will be via the existing access.

“Parking will be provided to the rear or on-street where necessary, as is currently the position.

“It is likely that when in use as a holiday let parking demand would be lower than when operating as a guest house, which could be met by the private parking.”

The site is not classed as a flood risk.