If learning a new language is on your 2021 to-do list, one school may have the perfect solution for you.

Led by expert Chinese teachers, St Bees School is set to host an online taster Chinese lesson for everyone in Cumbria.

The independent school, which has two sister schools in China, is passionate about preparing their students for a global future, and wants to extend their expert knowledge in the Chinese language to members of the public.

During the lesson, which will be live-streamed through the school’s Facebook page event, attendees will learn how to say everyday phrases such as “hello” and “goodbye”, as well as how to count from one to five in Mandarin.

And with Mandarin being the second most spoken language in the world, with about 1,117 million speakers, it's a top choice language to learn.

Headmaster Roger Sinnett is excited to share the school’s expertise with the public, and said: “Learning a new language opens up a massive range of opportunities; careers, lifestyles and even friendships.

"Our students understand the importance of learning such a widespread language such as Mandarin Chinese, and we are thrilled to be able to offer a taste of what the language can offer.”

“Our lesson is suitable for all, and can be viewed from the comfort of your own home – just like our online learning provisions. You will become an honorary St Bees Student for the afternoon!”

To sign up for the online Chinese taster lesson, visit St Bees School’s Facebook event.