A TRUST nurse who lifted the spirits of her colleagues by writing poems has penned a poem about Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised millions of pounds for the NHS and sadly died this week.

Maria Heslop, who works on Maple C at the Cumberland Infirmary, enjoys writing and last year had a poem published in a book about the pandemic.

This time, Maria, put pen to paper when she heard about the passing of the nation’s hero Captain Sir Tom Moore.

Captain Tom was a British Army officer and businessman known for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He died on Tuesday at Bedford Hospital where he was taken after being treated for pneumonia and then testing positive for Covid-19.

Maria said: “I was actually so upset when he died as he meant so much to everyone especially the NHS.

“I really enjoy writing the poems and want people to feel the emotion deep in their hearts, how I would feel, but I also wanted the Captain Tom poem to be about all the things he did in the last year."

“I’ve actually written quite a few poems some for my ward, Maple, some for elderly.

“I wrote a poem last year called My Day for the trust and it was published in the Poems for a Pandemic book, by Harper Collins and the proceeds are going to the NHS charity. I also read it at the cathedral in November which was scary.”

Last year, Maria featured in a Trust video singing a song she wrote called ‘We love you Cumbria,’ that encouraged the public to “trust in us all the way” and to heed the advice being given out.

Maria’s poem – Tomorrow is a good day….

Tomorrow is a good day, because you decided you would walk, Captain Tom you showed us British grit, the press began to talk.

Tomorrow is a good day, you would walk into our hearts, Captain Tom became a household name and that is where it starts.

Tomorrow is a good day, we would see you chat to Piers, Captain Tom became our mascot in this time of many fears.

Tomorrow is a good day, the donations began to grow, Captain Tom became our champion, we began to love you so.

Tomorrow is a good day, as the laps got more and more, Captain Tom became a hero in our lives, not just in the war.

Tomorrow is a good day, fighting spirit you have shown, Captain Tom we’re all behind you, you’ll never walk alone.

Tomorrow is a good day, you were now our nations star, Captain Tom became our hero for just being who you are.

Tomorrow is a good day, as you finally reached your goal, Captain Tom you walked a 100 times, you got into our soul.

Tomorrow is a good day, you have done your very best, Captain Tom you raised that money, to give to the NHS.

Tomorrow is a good day, a fly past came and went, Captain Tom was truly thankful for the cards that he was sent.

Tomorrow is a good day, the Queen would wish you well, Captain Tom had reached a century and his story he would tell.

Tomorrow is a good day, Dame Vera Lynn would call, Captain Tom’s Burma sweetheart, who was loved by one and all.

Tomorrow is a good day, there were lockdowns, just a few, Captain Tom was proudly smiling on the front page of GQ.

Tomorrow is a good day, you are now known near and far, Captain Tom now has a knighthood, you really are a star.

Tomorrow is a good day, the words you always said, Captain Tom, has now caught covid, that’s what we all had read.

Tomorrow is a good day, I remember you would say, Captain Tom your heart stopped beating, you lost your fight today.

Tomorrow is a good day the angels have the best, Captain Tom has gone to heaven, he now can be at rest.

Tomorrow is a good day, is your mantra for now and then, Captain Tom you’re simply wonderful, until we meet again.

Tomorrow is a good day........