A BRAVE Canonbie boy with cerebral palsy has taken charge of his own destiny, deciding to walk over 18 miles with his frame to raise funds for a vital operation.

Joshua Graham, 7, of Canonbie in Dumfriesshire was born two months premature weighing only 3 pounds 14 ounces.

He was making slow progress to the usual milestones of child development, at one year-old so his mum Michelle and dad Iain took him for an MRI scan.

It was revealed that Joshua had diplegic cerebral palsy which affects his legs.

Joshua’s condition means daily muscle strengthening exercises, stretches and using frames to walk and stand.

However, he faces that adversity with a determined smile and he will take that attitude into his next challenge - raising funds for a vital operation.

Joshua and his family need to raise £21,000 to pay for Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy surgery, a procedure that is not free on the Scottish NHS.

The operation reduces painful spasms in the lower limbs to improve function and the patient’s quality of life.

It has been a long process just to get to this stage in the journey.

After a number of tests and assessments, Joshua’s family were told when he was two that he did not fit the strict criteria for the operation.

The family sought a second opinion at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital who told them it was clear he needed the procedure.

The Grahams are a step closer to the procedure, which Joshua badly needs.

His mum Michelle said: “His leg muscles are tight and walking around is difficult for him. It’s just part of his life.

“The operation, it aims to take that spasticity away in his legs and help improve his quality of life.”

In an 18 mile journey aided only by his frame, Joshua will show the public how far he is willing to go for a better life.

His Just Giving page has already collected £21, 680 towards the cost of his surgery and his mum and dad have been stunned by their community’s support.

Michelle said: “It’s amazing we literally can’t tell people how thankful we are for the support and donations we’ve had.”

Joshua’s story has connected with the community, taking him to 86 per cent of his fundraising target in a short space of time.

Michelle said: “We’ve had the fundraising page up for just over a week and we’ve raised over £21,000.”

Joshua is completing his challenge in stages.

Michelle said: “The walk that he’s doing at the minute, he’s walking the distance from home to school and back again, over 18 miles.

She said: “He’s doing it over a few weeks, he started it on the 1st of February.”

Michelle added that Joshua is motivated to reach his goal and that the family have enjoyed joining him on the walks in lockdown, it is giving the family an opportunity to get out in the fresh air.

Joshua’s sister Edith has been enjoying joining him on the walks in the family’s local area.

He hit the seven mile mark on February 8 and has been delighted to see the online fundraising events friends have organised to contribute.

Friends have organised a virtual dog show to raise some extra cash for the cause.

Cumbrian people are uploading pictures of their beloved pets to Joshua’s Online Open Dog Show on Facebook, paying £2 towards the cause as an entry fee.

Friends of the family have also organised and online truck and tractor show on Facebook.

To enter, local people post a photo of their truck or tractor and donate £10 to the fundraising page.

The public can follow the story and find out more ways to support the cause, on the Joshua’s SDR Journey Facebook page.