A PROFESSIONAL photographer based in Brampton has taken to YouTube to help people get the most from their cameras.

Prior to lockdown Brian James ran Four Seasons Photography, which specialised in portrait and commercial snaps.
However he's now put the business on hold for the duration of the pandemic and gone online to offer tips and advice on how to take better pics.
In the tutorials he helps his sister, Bev Thorogood, based in Lincolnshire, get the most from her new DSLR camera.
So far he's published two video sessions with a third in the offing.
Subjects range from how to take the perfect pic, to slightly more "techy" subjects including exposure, compensation and control relationships. 
Brian said: "Basically it was my sister ringing me up before Christmas about DSLR camera advice and about buying a camera, so I thought that I would do it as an online video blog and start from there.
"If you have a proper DSLR camera and take it out, it becomes something that you purposely use, rather than relying on your camera phone, that you just keep in your pocket.
"We go through basic techy stuff like shutter speeds to get the best out of photographs."
As well as being a snapper Brian is also a singer and entertainer with about 30 years experience and had turned full time professional in 2012.
He's billed as the "human jukebox"  previously appeared in The Cumberland News in November when he paid another online musical homage to Des O'Connor, the much loved singer and entertainer who recently died.
He sang Des' 1968 chart topper I pretend.
Brian described Des as "the consummate professional" adding: "He epitomised what professionalism should be."
For information about Four Counties Photography's go to the @FourCountiesPhotography Facebook page.  
For the tutorials go to Brian James' channel on YouTube.