Kie Harrison

I could understand parents saying yes my child is getting the vaccine if long term side effects were known but since they are not you’re putting your kids health at risk.

No final decisions have been made on vaccinating children in the UK against Covid-19, a member of the government’s vaccine taskforce has said.

While children are unlikely to fall ill with Covid-19, they do play a role in transmitting the virus.

The University of Oxford is currently carrying out a clinical trial on children to test the safety and efficacy of its vaccine in younger age groups, with initial results expected in the summer.

The trial is working with partner sites in London, Southampton and Bristol and includes around 300 youngsters aged six to 17.

However no final decisions have been made on vaccinating children against Covid-19, says a government advisor.

We asked our readers if the Covid-19 vaccine became available to children would parents get their child vaccinated.

Here's what you had to say.

Kie Harrison explained: "I could understand parents saying yes my child is getting the vaccine if long term side effects were known, but since they are not you’re putting your child's health at risk."

Sarah Nugent commented: "It's a difficult question for parents because so little is known about the vaccine. I can totally understand why some would say no. The clinical trials haven't been long enough for some parents to agree and of course infants react very differently to adults with this kind of thing. That said I think lots of reassurance is needed for parents to say that their child will be ok. I hope that we can all move forward with this real soon and that every parent has the assurance that the vaccine will be safe for their children."

Andrew Cole added: "Yes definitely. If it prevents them getting hospitalised later then why not? The rest of the family have had it. I think it’s wrong to not let them have that protection."

Mandy Groombridge continued: "Children have been getting vaccinations for years, for many illnesses.

"I would rather my children were vaccinated than risk getting Covid,

"All drugs have side effects."

Vicki Forster said: "Not under any circumstances are my children having an experimental vaccine that’s only just been created and where no one knows what/if the long term side effects are."

Karen Smith explained: "Yes, if me my partner and my mum have all had ours by the time they do it for kids then why wouldn't my daughter, she has her flu spray each year so no different to that, and she rarely has had any side effects to that."

Kel Louise Creer commented: "Absolutely not! No way is my child going to be injected with a new vaccine with no long term side effects known. Not a anti vaxer before anybody pipes up, we're all up to date with jabs that are known to be safe for many years."

Isobel Fenton said: "If enough evidence to support it then yes I would agree to mine being vaccinated."

Jodie Leeann added: "If there was proof it stopped the spread, then yes."

Julie Riley explained: "No. Thank you. Get the two year trial over and I will reassess. But definitely not before the trial has been carried out."

Melanie O'Brien continued: "I'd ask my child what he wanted to do."

James Fisher said: "I wouldn’t give it to my dog never mind my child."