RESIDENTS in Longtown are up in arms over proposals to bring in parking restrictions on its main street.

Nearly 300 people have so far signed a petition, launched by the Rev Brett Murphy from Esk Parishes, objecting to measures such as introduction of an hour parking limit on English Street.

The county council has written to households to “determine what restrictions can be carried out to prevent all day parking due to these streets having both residential and business properties”- the letter states it's liaised with city and county councillor Val Tarbitt and the parish council. 

Resident Kerry Dixon, co-owner of Esk Holistic Therapies, on High Street, said: “I think it is a really bad idea, we’ve suffered enough with Covid - you can’t do things like go to the salon or have a meal in an hour.”

Nick Turrell, said: “I think it would be disastrous for the area, there's lots of elderly people who need to park their cars close to shops.”

Regular visitor Wendy Robson, who lives in Canonbie, said:"I think they would be detrimental.

“Disabled people would have to park further away from the chemist.

“My concern is that it would push cars into the side streets where children play.

Councillor Val Tarbitt said: “The street has a mixed economy, there are both shops and houses and I live in English Street.

"An hours parking is fairly standard and they won't have to pay.

"I have had some very aggressive letter even from people who don't live in Longtown.

"You can get truck drivers parking outside that leave their engine running and transit vans parking overnight - one was even coming into the garden and using it as a loo, people don’t understand the other side of the story. 

A county council spokesman said it was an "informal consultation" adding: "Feedback from this process will help to inform the development of proposals, which will be decided by the council’s Local Committee for Carlisle.”