A HOMELESS Carlisle man once described by a judge as the city's 'Number One Nuisance" has admitted fresh offences.

The city's Rickergate court heard that 44-year-old Andrew Bell already had 189 offences on his criminal record - and in his latest court appearance he added a further three crimes to that list.

He pleaded guilty to all three offences.

The defendant, currently living at the city's John Street Hostel, had pleaded guilty to a common assault in Brampton a few days earlier when he was given a conditional discharge an released, the court heard.

Despite being given that chance, he went to behave badly again.

In his latest court appearance, Bell first admitted breaching his criminal behaviour order by being found at Carlisle's Lonsdale Street bus station in a drunk and disorderedly state.

Police found him sprawled drunkenly on the ground, clutching a can of cider and slurring his words. Bell also admitted using threatening behaviour.

Prosecutor Rachel Dixon told the court that after his arrest, and while he was in the back of a police van, Bell made verbal threats towards an officer, saying that he get his grandmother and knock her out.

Swearing and continuing to be abusive, he then told the officer “he would find him”. The third offence Bell admitted was flouting a conditional discharge imposed on Saturday.

John Smith, for Bell, said that when he was interviewed by police about these remarks Bell said he had never intended to act on the threats, though he admitted his comments had not been "funny.” It was just 'hot air', he said.

Magistrates told Bell he will be sentenced by a Crown Court judge on May 18 and remanded in custody until then.

The presiding magistrate told him: "These were nasty threats and you don’t abide by bail conditions."