OPPOSITION has been voiced to plans for another adult gaming arcade on Carlisle’s main shopping street.

Recently plans were submitted to the city council for the change of use of the former betting shop, 94-96 English Street, which closed in December.

The applicant is listed as the Birkenhead based operator, Kings Betting Centre.

It follows proposals, submitted in November, for another arcade at 70-72 English Street which is still being considered by the council.

According to the latest design and access statement: “The machines offer low stakes ranging from 10p to a maximum of £2 and the average stake in an Adult Gaming Centre is between 30p to 50p.

“Adult Gaming Centres have been on the high street for many years.

“Unlike other gambling operations, staff do not remain behind a counter, but on the floor with the customers.”

Malcolm Ward, chartered insurance broker and Carlisle businessman, said he’s against proposals, adding: “In my view Carlisle City Council should have the policy where gaming machine shops are not allowed in certain areas of the community.

“The university is coming to the area and there will be a huge number of students so it’s not a suitable place so I object to it.

“If you allow gaming arcades then it will attract a similar amount of activity and the quality of the area will be eroded.”

He also said vulnerable people “can be sucked into these activities”.

Independent city councillor Jack Paton added: “In terms of my personal views, too many people get drawn into these things and get into financial difficulties.

“I think there is enough in Carlisle and I would not like to see any more.”

In December many objected to plans by game arcade operator. Intervision, headquartered in Leicester.

At the time Carlisle MP John Stevenson said gaming and betting is not something he wanted to ban but added: “I’d be extremely nervous of such a planning application getting through because of its visibility and also because of its potential to change the character of our city centre.”