Search dog Beck has retired from service with the Lake District Mountain Rescue after an impressive 125 searches.

With her handler Chris Francis, the association’s callout co-ordinator, she has been a regular at many searches throughout her nine year career.

Many callouts were in atrocious and risky conditions on the central Lakeland fells, as her home team, Keswick Mountain Rescue, are one of the key teams serving in the area.

She has taken part in searches not only in the Lakes, but also in the Scottish Borders, the Highlands, Yorkshire and Lancashire, and was responsible for a notable find of an elderly gentleman in South Lakeland who had fallen and become stuck in a section of woodland near Newby Bridge.

Chris got Beck as a puppy back in 2008 from an estate in Keswick where she was a part of a working strain which made her ideal for the type of work she would later be involved in.

Beck became a qualified search dog in 2012 passing all required assessments in her two to three years worth of training.

Her retirement took place in the Newlands valley, the same location where she was graded.

“It all comes full circle,” said Chris Francis, who has worked for the mountain rescue team since 1983.

Chris got his first search dog assessed in 1985.

He said: “Beck is my third search dog now to retire. They grow up so fast. One day you’re training them up on the fells then the next they’re retiring.”

About working with Beck, he said: “I will definitely miss working with her as any handler would do. She will be missed by the whole team for her loyalty and persistence.

“She’s always been such an amiable dog, very gentle and friendly. And she has this lovely grin.”

Beck has a signature grin when she meets friends and other rescue team members that Chris said his first search dog had a habit of doing too.

He said: “It was just a little habit I’ve noticed they both had. I know that the team will especially remember that about Beck, the grinning, wagging tail and eagerness to get going.”

Chris will continue to look after Beck as she enjoys some well-earned treats and a relaxing retirement.

As well as training Beck’s successor, Gill, Mr.Francis has said he will be taking Beck on a couple holidays as a celebration for her service with the team.