Step three of the roadmap out of lockdown is getting closure and restrictions are continuing to ease.

With this in mind we asked readers if there was anything they'd miss about lockdown.

Here's what you had to say.

Soleil Thompson said: "I just hope that companies letting people work 100 per cent remote doesn't come to an end. It could be a career revolution for places like Cumbria."

Ian Haslam commented: "No, nothing, should never have happened in the first place and don’t count your chickens here. Just wait for the next scare story, all about a narrative and control."

David Howse added: "People respecting each other"

Lynn Talbot continued: "Quiet roads doing home care."

David Eyley said: "Quiet roads and places."

Brett Williams commented: "I won’t miss people being scared to leave the house over a virus, I also won’t miss the evil eyes you get if you cough in public."

Lyn Bainbridge explained; "It’s not coming too an end. Numbers are less etc, but India and Brazil over 3,000 dead yesterday and 300,000 more cases each, also France, Germany, Italy, Turkey still bad."

Debra Stuart continued: "The peace and quiet of lots of traffic and people going by my house in gangs late at night."

Karen Harris said: "The fact there was less traffic and nature thriving."

Carl Butler commented: "The piece and quiet the sound of no traffic was heaven."

John Lamb continued: "I will certainly not miss hearing of the appallingly high number of suicides of people who have been virtually in solitary confinement."

Kevin M Robinson added: "Yes nice clean roads and fields."

Michelle West commented: "Not having to clock watch."

Keith Hastie said: "The uninterrupted family time and the change of pace from rushing around as theres not enough hours in a day to get things done usually."