CUMBRIAN supporters of Palestine have attended a demonstration in Newcastle protesting the treatment of the state by Israel following several days of violence.

According to Sky News, almost 250 Palestinians have been killed, including 66 children, since the escalation of attacks on the state two weeks ago. A total of 12 people in Israel - two of them children - have died as a result of rocket fire from Hamas.

Mounting calls for a ceasefire were finally listened to on Friday, when a truce began from dawn.

It came after demonstrations took place across the globe to protest against the violence.

Around 800 people attended the demonstration at Newcastle’s Grey’s Monument, including many from Cumbria.

Carlisle councillor and teacher Louise Atkinson was among the speakers at the event, and discussed her first-hand experience of Palestine following an educational visit to the state through the National Education Union.

City councillor and teacher Louise Atkinson speaks at a Palestinian Solidarity demo in Newcastle

City councillor and teacher Louise Atkinson speaks at a Palestinian Solidarity demo in Newcastle

She said: “As a mum and an educator I was heartbroken to see the daily struggles faced by Palestinian children, as they are growing up knowing nothing but occupation, violence and aggression.

“I’m so shocked and appalled that the world has allowed this to go on for so long.”

Also present was Keswick councillor Tony Lywood, who has also visited Palestine in the past.

He said: "I don't agree with Hamas, I think what they're doing is terrible, but this is not a war of equivalence. The idea that it's a war is a joke - it's a massacre of civilians by a well-organised army.

"The Palestinians have no armies, no tanks no armoured cars, no air-force or navy. The people of Palestine live in a prison - the largest prison in the world.

"I've actually been there. The idea that they're a whole bunch of terrorists is wrong. They're just like us, they just want a life, and peace and tranquility and the Israeli Government is blocking them in.

"The plight of the Palestinian people, we should be ashamed that it's still carrying on."

Campaigners also took to the streets of Carlisle itself - the Cumbria Socialist Party were campaigning for an end to the violence on Saturday.

Activists from Cumbria Socialist Party campaign for an end to violence against Palestine in Carlisle

Activists from Cumbria Socialist Party campaign for an end to violence against Palestine in Carlisle

The party's Robert Charlesworth said: "The current ceasefire is only a temporary let-up in the violence. We demand that there are no more bombardments of Gaza. The eviction of Palestinian families must stop, and the Israeli army must withdraw from the occupied territories.

"Rather than resorting to terrorism, there should be a mass struggle of the Palestinian people under democratic control to fight for genuine national liberation."