With a sense of humour and a smile on his face, one man is determined to fulfil his dying wish.

Joel Gray, 26, was first diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia T cell – a rare and aggressive form of cancer – in 2012 at the age of just 17.

He suffered years of gruelling chemotherapy and was eventually told he was cancer-free.

Sadly in 2018, his cancer returned, but this time he had two forms. He again had treatment but was told and suffered all the side effects associated with these cancers and his only option was to have a bone marrow transplant.

After having this he made a miraculous recovery and began to live his life to the max and to celebrate he went to Ibiza.

But, in a cruel twist of fate, just one week ago he got the news that cancer had returned.

Now terminal Joel, who grew up in Carlisle with his twin sister Courtney and older sister Jade, said: “When I was first ever diagnosed it looked like sunstroke, I’d been fishing with the lads. Then I got a fever and it showed up in my blood that I had cancer. I was taken straight to Newcastle and started treatment.

“The hospital was amazing I got to do and meet so many amazing people.”

At the time Joel wanted to be a gamekeeper and was at Newton Rigg but he put his all into battling this awful disease.

Keeping his spirits up he joked about some of the things only cancer patients would ever understand. He said: “When you see the advert they’re the better times, it’s what happens behind closed doors.

“It's ok for me I’m asleep in bed but what my family have to go through and have to deal with is hard.”

When he was diagnosed for the second time the treatment was even tougher and now he has decided not to go through it again.

Now desperate to fulfil his dreams and marry his soulmate Jenna Kersey, Joel, who went to St Aiden's School in the city, is trying to organise a dream wedding.

Joel said: “I love her and she does so much for me. I have always wanted to get married and have children. Unfortunately the treatment I’ve had means I will never be able to have a family but if I could find somewhere to get married that would be a dream come true.”

Joel's mum Molly Ackers said: “Everyone is touched by cancer and it brings everyone together. He is such a big personality he is a friend to everyone.”

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