An online conference commemorating Women in War was hosted online.

Last week, The Devil's Porridge Museum hosted the conference with twenty-four speakers from around the world.

The Devil's Porridge Museum is a war museum located on Annan Road in Eastriggs.

The speakers were organised onto six different panels on themes such as: Women in Industry; Leisure during War, and Women in service.

There was also a keynote speech by Professor Angela Woolacott, the author of 'On Her Their Lives Depend: Munition Workers in the Great War', and a musical performance by the award winning folk musician, Claire Hastings - she performed her song 'The Gretna Girls'.

Judith Hewitt, the Manager at The Devil's Porride Museum, said: "It was wonderful to end the conference where it all began - with the stories of the twelve-thousand women who mixed The Devil's porridge in World War One.

News and Star: Digital: The conference was held over ZoomDigital: The conference was held over Zoom

"The speakers were so inspirational and I personally learnt so much about the amazing women of the past.

"I was so proud to be part of sharing their stories."

For those that missed the conference, a copy of the recordings is available to purchase by going through The Devil's Porridge Museum's online shop.