Grime superstar Bugzy Malone given his personal backing to a fundraiser to help a Carlisle man realise his wish to marry his fiancé before he passes away, sharing a moving tribute in the process.

It is the wish of Carlisle-native Joel Gray to marry his girlfriend and a kind friend set up a fundraiser to help the couple achieve their dream.

The fund has is currently sitting at more than four-and-a-half times its initial £1000 target.

Joel was first diagnosed in 2012 at the age of 17 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (T cell) a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

He suffered years of gruelling chemotherapy and in 2015 he was eventually told he was cancer free.

Sadly in 2018 his cancer returned, but this time he had two types of cancer.

He again suffered the horrific treatment and side effects associated with these cancers and his only option was to have a bone marrow transplant, which he had in September 2018.

Joel fought hard and the treatment was hailed a success , however, in May 2021 he received the devastating news that his cancer has returned and can’t be cured.

His elder sister Jade stated: "It comes in waves, one minute you can be all right and dealing with things then you get hit by another wave. He is just the same same cheeky brother as always.

"It's like your life stops in front of you when it's your brother, you grow up together."

On his GoFundMe page, the organiser added: “Joel has never complained about his life , he has always found the strength to push on and never give up. He loves life and his determination to live it has been courageous."

After hearing about the story, grime star Bugzy Malone posted an emotional video on Instagram.

“This video is not about my album, nothing about that. It is about Joel Gray. A while ago someone sent me a video of him receiving a pair of the B Malone trainers and he got upset when he got the trainers,” Bugzy speaking to over 1.2 million followers on his page.

“I remember it kind of hit me and feeling like wow, are these the people that support me? Is that how much my trainers means to somebody?

"Today I got a message to say that Joel has battled cancer twice and this time it is not going so well, so he’s not got long left.

He added: “Joel, this is a message to you. I’ve seen your GoFundMe page and I’m going to be donating a thousand pounds and I’m sharing it here. Hopefully you can come to one of the shows I’ve got coming up, I’m going to get my team to get in contact with you and make that happen.

“I’m gutted bro. Forget all this famous stuff, I’m gutted for you brother. This stuff upsets me man. Go and enjoy yourself on me. Love.”

In response to the video, Joel himself commented: “I actually can’t believe you can remember from basically 17 months ago when I got your first set of X1 scorpions and they are the most comfortable trainers I’ve got, which still look fresh from day get go.

“And you also took your time to speak to me, comment on my posts, talk to each other… I’m not the legend you are @thebugzymalone. I can’t wait to receive your vinyl that my Mrs purchased for me. You’re a man.”

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