Last week we reported the news that Boris Johnson had warned the lifting of lockdown restrictions “may have to wait” on June 21 amid a concerning rise in cases of the Indian variant of Covid-19.

Cases of the variant had doubled leading into last week sparking fresh concerns over stage four of Boris Johnson’s roadmap out of lockdown.

We asked our readers what they thought about the latest Covid news, and this is what you had to say:

Angela Thomson, sympathised with the Prime Minister in light of the latest news, she said: “He has to do what’s right whether we like it or not.”

Shelly Johnston has learned to live with the situation, she commented: “I've learned to live with it! So! If opened it's a bonus if not we just carry on as usual.

"In the grand scheme of it we are doing pretty well in comparison to other countries.”

However, Fiona Bell feels like we need to find a way to move on from lockdowns and get on, she said: “Is this our lives from now on to be totally controlled, where we can go, who we can and can’t see? It’s disgraceful we have to get on with life.”

Fay Simpson, says that the UK is in this position because other countries haven’t taken the pandemic seriously enough.

She commented: “Sick of this now, it’s mentally draining.

"We're having to suffer at the hands of other countries that are walking about as if there isn’t a pandemic.”

Daniel Young thinks that these new lockdowns and restrictions are just the new way we have to live after this pandemic, he commented saying: “Welcome to the new normal.”