A PROUD man is set to live a healthier life, after an NHS-endorsed weight loss plan helped him lose more than five stone, and beat his ongoing health conditions.

Since signing up to the NHS Healthier You National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP), 63-year-old Peter Little has dropped four clothes sizes, and reduced his waist measurements from 52 inches to 40 inches.

The Carlisle man, who suffered from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, started on the online WW (formerly Weight Watchers) plan in March 2020, after tipping the scales at 21 stone and 9.5 pounds.

"I struggled to walk up the stairs, and would put off jobs needing multiple visits to higher floors in the house," he said.

"I would find myself taking a breather between floors, especially if it involved the attic.

"I had sleep apnoea, which is managed using a CPAP machine to keep airways clear during sleep. The pressure from this machine is used to keep airways clear, and was sitting at a pressure of 18. I was suffering about 45 episodes a night."

After visiting his GP for an annual check-up, Peter decided it was time to take on the challenge to get fit again, losing seven pounds during his first week on the NDPP plan.

When lockdown hit, and workshops were moved online, he found it tricky – but with support from his loved ones, and dedicated coach, he carried on.

Peter, who now weighs 16 stone, said: "I had great support at home with my wife Susan, and the family, who were always keen to hear how I had got on each week, which helped.

"It was clear that you had to put in work on the journey yourself as well as change habits."

He continued: "I would like to say a massive thank you to the NHS Healthier You (NDPP) programme and WW, as without this amazing scheme, I wouldn't be the much smaller and healthier man I am today.

"I have two grandchildren on the way now, due in July and October, and feel I can look forward to spending time with them both, where previously I would have struggled to even get involved."

People with diabetes are at least twice as likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke than those without diabetes.

It’s therefore essential to be diagnosed as early as possible, as Type 2 diabetes is likely to get worse if left untreated.

Healthier You welcome the partnership with the NHS, and NDPP account manager, Jane Angell, added: "Healthier You is delighted to work with Cumbria to support residents who are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes."