The organisers of an upcoming fun day say they are pushing ahead with their plans, despite the delay in Covid restrictions being lifted.

Lauren Burney, one of the residents in Great Clifton who is helping to organise a fun day in the village, says it will be a celebration of lockdown ending.

The event is due to be held at the village green on July 31, which is 12 days after coronavirus restrictions are now expected to lift on July 19.

Lauren said: "Everybody will need it more than ever. The plan is to go ahead.

"We don't just want people of the village.

"We really want people from town and the surrounding villages to come and enjoy the day.

"It's open to everyone locally.

"We hope Boris doesn't push the date back!

"It will be the first time some people have been out in a long time.

"Most of the event is outdoors so it's possible to attend and be completely outdoors."

Attractions will include a dog show, a visit from the fire service and Blood Bikes, and Workington singer Luke Matear will be performing throughout the day.

There will also be a bar, hot dog sale and a raffle.

All vendors will be asked to take a lateral flow test and attendees are also being encouraged to do so.

Tables and chairs will be well spaced out.

The money raised from the event was originally planned to go to Great Clifton Community Youth Group.

But now a Great Clifton Community Fund has been set up by the volunteers who are organising the fun day.

"This means we can use the money for the rest of the community as well," Lauren explained. "It's not just designated to the youth.

"We are hoping to buy a projector and a screen and hold film nights in the village hall.

"We are going to have sing-a-longs and Christmas movies.

"We are thinking about buying some inflatables to put smaller fun days on for people of the village.

"Anybody in the village can apply if they have got a project or event they want to do.

"We can provide money for things like that.

"We'll have an ongoing pot of money."

Lauren said they were also hoping to run coach trips for the children, which would be subsidised by the fund for disadvantaged families who live in Great Clifton.

To find out more about the upcoming fun day, go to The Great Clifton Funday Facebook page.