New COVID-19 infections almost doubled in a week with 382 new cases - up from 198 the previous week.

New cases have approximately doubled in each of the last three weeks.

Cumbria’s case rate of 76 per 100,000 population remains below the national (98/100k) and regional averages (233/100k).

19 of the top 20 worst affected Local Authority areas are in the North West.

Infection rates vary significantly between age groups, with rates in the 12-24 age group in Cumbria sitting at 243/100k compared to just 16/100k among the over 60s.

This high case rate among young people is being seen most in the impact on schools, with 55 schools currently dealing with incidents in school - 10 in full outbreak status - with three schools currently closed.

In response, Cumbria launched ‘surge testing,' asking everyone aged 12-30 to get a PCR test.

School age children are being offered testing in school, while those not of school age can attend a local PCR test site or get a test delivered to their home via GOV.UK.

Dan Barton, Assistant Director for Education and Skills, said: "This is a significant logistical challenge and we are working with schools to finalise agreements for how school age children will be tested.

"Now working with NHS Test and Trace it has been agreed that 'surge testing' will be implementing those aged between 12 and 30."

Colin Cox, Cumbria’s Director of Public Health, said: “The rapid spread of covid is concerning, particularly among younger age groups but we are not yet seeing a significant impact on our hospitals which is good news and reflects success of the vaccine roll-out.

“However, the high number of cases is causing serious disruption in schools, with this week having the highest number of schools affected at any one time during the pandemic. Our contact tracing work has shown infections started to rise after half-term when people had been on holiday or mixed more widely, but transmission is now happening within schools and families."

The latest confirmed testing data for Saturday and Sunday show an additional 2,845 PCR tests completed compared to the 5-week average.

The number of people being admitted to hospital in Cumbria as a result of COVD-19 has remained low.

Colin Cox added: "Our surge testing campaign continues, and I’d like to thank the thousands of people who have already heeded the call and been tested.

"By helping us find people who are infectious, surge testing gives us a chance to get a grip on this and prevent further spread."

“Overall, the basic public health advice is still crucial - wash hands regularly, wear a face covering, give people space, meet outside where possible, get vaccinated, get tested if you have symptoms or are asked to do so. If we just keep going for a while longer, we will get through this.”

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