The year of 1967 will forever be fondly recalled in Britain as the year of the 'Summer of Love'.

It was the year The Beatles released Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, perhaps rock music's most acclaimed and influential album.

The success of the album was the most outward sign, to date, that the underground alternative youth culture that had been brewing in Britain for several years had suddenly permeated mainstream culture.

Then there was the first scheduled colour television broadcasts in England which began on the BBC, with the first programme being live coverage from Wimbledon.

Even the Grand National was won by 100-1 outsider Foinavon.

It must have felt as though, within the space of a year, society had completely been shaken up in ways never quite seen before.

In London's Carnaby Street, it must have felt as though the world had flipped on its axis in the space of a matter of months.

But what about a bit closer to home?

A lot is often made of the landmark changes that were afoot in British society by 1967, however, focus rarely is placed upon anywhere north of the Watford Gap!

As today's gallery reveals, the quintessential fashions of the 'Summer of Love' were very much a part of Carlisle life.

Be it the mop-tops, the mod motorbikes or the bustling rise o live music in this era, it is clear that Carlisle was no stranger to the emerging fashions of the day.

For those featured, looking back at these images will represent a true journey down memory lane to a time of great possibility and endeavour.

It is no understatement to suggest that the events of this year very much helped shape the society we live in today.

As we see here, not only was Carlisle changing but, so was the country itself.

If you do spot yourself featured today, do make sure to get in touch will us and relay your memories of this momentous time in the history of our city and the wider country.

We hope you enjoy today's gallery!