READERS had their say on the decision to end coronavirus restrictions today.

The Government has lifted all legal restrictions but some people believe “Freedom Day” has come at the wrong time, with many in isolation and businesses being forced to cut hours due to low staffing.

Reader Emma Tyson posted: “More people have Covid now than in lockdown and yet it’s only going to get worse on Freedom Day.”

Elizabeth Jackson said: “I will be keeping my mask on”

Graeme Tallantire said: "Freedom from what? I think being careful and keeping your distance is still sensible .”

But some believe now is the time to resume normality.

Jane Fitzsimmons said: “We have a vaccine that’s working thank goodness.

“Of course infection rates will go up, especially after football and 140,000 at Silverstone, but if hospital rates stay low and deaths are low surely that’s all we can ask for.”

Lee Mills said: “I can’t wait.”

Carole Armstrong said: “Just remember, folks, the virus does not know or care what day it is. It’s up to ourselves to stay safe.”

Lorraine Lepley said: “Why are people stressing? Just because it’s 'Freedom Day' doesn’t mean you have to ditch everything. If you still want to follow all the guidelines like wearing masks, social distancing etc then do so.

“I will be. It just means we are being given the responsibility ourselves instead of having them forced on us. As adults we can all still do our bit to stay safe and keep others safe.”

Paul Herbert said: “It’s not as if Covid has gone away. If anything its as bad as ever.”

Neil Goodwin said: “Please stop calling this Freedom Day. It’s anything but freedom for the 50,000-per-day cases and the half a million isolating over the last seven days.”

Alex Rayment said: “Until the Government has plans to control cases and new variants Freedom Day will be short lived for the few it may exist for.”