A much-needed school bus service will run again next year - but pupils are being warned they must "use it or lose it".

The Whitehaven Academy has secured a contract with Stagecoach for another year - after pupils living at Kells and Mirehouse were left without any transport last summer.

Cumbria County Council had been unable to support with an alternative provider so the academy stepped in to provide an interim bus service for the past year.

However, the service has incurred costs of more than £16,000 to the school, headteacher Nigel Youngman has said.

The academy has again been unable to get support from the county council, due to the distance travelled by students.

However, Mr Youngman said the school will continue to fund the bus with Stagecoach, but the amount contributed will be "substantially lower", capped at £5,000.

This will mean a rise in the ticket price to £3.

In a letter to parents, Mr Youngman said: "Clearly they are a business and they need to ensure that it is a viable route.

"They will review the provision at the end of November, with the right to cancel if not enough students use it.

"They would then terminate the route at the end of December. Putting it simply, it is a case of use it or lose it.

"Moving forward, there needs to be an alternative that doesn’t require the academy stepping in, but I hope this provides reassurance to families for next year."

Copeland councillor Carl Walmsley, who has spoken out about the lack of school transport for youngsters living on Mirehouse, said: "I would like to publicly thank Mr Youngman and Whitehaven Acadamy for their ongoing efforts in providing a option for children getting to school and back in a safe manner and would like to plead that parents support this initiative throughout the trial to keep it running throughout the winter months when it is so desperately needed."

A Cumbria County Council spokesman said: "Cumbria County Council provides a free home to school transport service for approx. 10,000 pupils in Cumbria that meet the eligibility criteria and have a statutory entitlement to free school transport.

"This service is provided at Whitehaven Academy for eligible pupils, and from September 2021, the operator of this route - with collections in Mirehouse, Woodhouse, Greenbank, Kells, and drops to both St Benedict’s Catholic High School and Whitehaven Academy - will be Reays.

"The agreement between Whitehaven Academy and Stagecoach is only for pupils who do not have a statutory entitlement to free transport, and therefore is unrelated to the provision of free school transport for those that do qualify.

"Full details of eligibility criteria for free school transport, and guidance on how to apply, are available on the county council website."