An independent cadet group in Carlisle that offers activities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds has opened up on the importance of fundraising and keeping kids occupied over the summer months.

A voting fundraiser pod has been set up for the Border Reiver Cadets (BRC) at the Rosehill Tescos in Carlisle, giving the group the chance to win between £500 and £1500.

The money would go towards purchasing kit for the young cadets to use during sessions.

Voting takes place between July 16 and the end of September.

BRC cadet commander, Daniel Cleough, said the sessions, which are currently being run in Petteril Bank in Carlisle, are "hugely important".

"A number of our cadets don't have any other group or organisation that they attend" said Daniel.

"Some go to football and other sporting group, which is great for them.

"However, a lot of them have only got this.

"If this wasn't able to continue because of lockdown, for example, they won't have anything.

"We're teaching them valuable life skills, discipline, respect, and community service.

More recently, the cadets went down to Carlisle East Community Fire Station to do their Heartstart course.

Here, they learnt about basic first aid, CPR and

Daniel added: "They wouldn't have been able to do that if we didn't have the group up and running.

"It [the course] was absolutely brilliant."

"The fire service were absolutely bowled over by how polite and professional the kids came across.

"They learnt how to apply a defibrillator should they come across a situation where they would need to use one.

"These are important skills to learn and opportunities to be a part of for kids."

The BRC are still searching for a new space to conduct future sessions and will soon be embarking on a summer camp full of activities on August 2.

For more information on the BRC, or to see what they are getting up to, visit their Facebook page.

Alternatively, you can get in touch by emailing, or call Daniel on 07516169610.