Following the Government's decision to ease restrictions on social distancing and mask wearing, Carlisle residents have given their views on so-called 'Freedom Day'.

In a vox pop conducted on the first day of the change in the laws, a variety of responses were given by shoppers who had ventured to the city centre.

Joseph Sutton expressed his belief that the cost of more lockdowns could simply be unworkable.

He stated: "I'm not sure we can afford another lockdown. It's a big milestone, I'm looking forward to the future. I feel it will make a lot of people feel a lot better.

Despite Mr Sutton's assertions, the overwhelming majority of responses did show evidence of the public deciding to err on the side of caution of the time being.

In this vein, Polly Herring stated that he felt the public had already begun to pay less attention to previous guidance.

"For me, a lot of people have already relaxed the rules themselves.You've got a situation where people who weren't wearing them will not now."

He added that he will still insist on wearing his mask indoors.

"It's common courtesy- it's not about me or you, it's about everyone else. If you can protect people then that's good enough for me."

Another bystander, who did not wish to be named, said that Government guidance has simply not been clear enough and that many people still are not fully aware of the rules.

"I don't think the Government have been clear about what Freedom Day is. I think a lot of young people feel this way.

"I'm going to continue wearing my mask, to be honest. It's courtesy for other people. Even though I'm double vaccinated, I just think of people in mu family who are vulnerable with health problems. Even though I may be asymptomatic, I could pass it on to vulnerable people and that still really concerns me."

Arthur Szlacheta added that people should keep wearing masks but that less restrictions could help improve people's mental heath.

"Masks are necessary. They given you that protection. Perhaps people do need that chance to go out without too many restrictions, though. I hope that it does not prove costly."