Wellbeing coaches are set to introduce more benches to parts of north Cumbria in an effort to combat loneliness

A 'Happy to Chat' bench has already been installed in Silloth by Living Well coach, Simon McCall.

More benches, which are fitted with 'Happy to Chat' plaques in order to invite passers by to stop and engage in in a friendly chat with those sat at the bench, will be set up in Penrith and Keswick.

Living Well coach in Eden, Sharon Harrison, said: "The main aim is to try and reduce social isolation and break down barriers especially now that restrictions are easing a little.

"We want to let people know what they are, where they are and why they are needed."

Keswick Town Council have now agreed to fund a bench along the river bank at Fitz Park in Keswick.

Three more benches, planned for St Andrew’s Churchyard, Castle Park and Town Hall Park in Penrith, have been secured by Living Well coach in Eden, Lucy Fawcett.

In a report to Silloth Town Council, Living Well coach, Simon McCall, said: “Loneliness is regarded as one of the most significant health concerns and has been demonstrated to be as detrimental to health as smoking and worse than obesity.

"Nationally, loneliness is an increasing problem for older people with half a million older people going over five days without seeing or speaking to anyone and 40 per cent of older people saying the television is their main company.

"Whilst higher percentages of older women report loneliness compared to me, a greater number of older men report more severe levels of social isolation.

"Loneliness and isolation persist in this area, despite a friendly and charitable community, so new approaches to encourage and facilitate engagement and interaction are required….now more than ever.

"This simple, cheap and quick initiative is becoming popular around the UK and elsewhere including the USA, Australia and Zimbabwe, and could be deployed here almost instantly as part of the community’s efforts to support each other through the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and beyond."

Happy to Chat benches are being used by communities around the country to help combat loneliness.