Our readers have expressed sympathy for an Egremont btcher who has had to lock down after a member of staff tested positive for Covi.

Barbara Wilson, co-owner of Wilson’s Butchers in Egremont said: “It’s heartbreaking, we’re locked-down now for 10 days.”

Owners Barbara and Richard are isolating after a member of staff tested positive, the shop will be closed until Friday July 23.

But the couple's predicament has also led to one more discussion about the so-called 'Freedom Day'.

Dan Harding said: "The word freedom day shouldn’t be used. It’s the government washing their hands of all responsibility.

"You will find many thousands of businesses have to close temporarily and fully and lots of people in poverty as there just isn’t the same financial help now."

Helen Coxon agreed: "A Silly Slogan, Boris have a word with yourself. Sorry to the butchers that had to isolate".

Myra Lockie also agreed: "For gods sake stop calling it freedom day. We never lost our freedom." She also suggested that this Freedom day concept was being hyped up by the media.

David Eyley: "It’s (Covid)still with us, so personally, will not be ditching my mask anytime soon, because I could still pass it on to someone even though I’ve been jabbed."

Eileen Wain: "FreeDumb day you mean."

Kevlaa Tiffin pointed out: "Flu still kills 10s of 1000s every year. "

"The very thing that has elongated this pandemic is international travel.

"If every country limited it in the beginning we would've been in lot better position now globally."

Pamela Robertson asked:"I actually don't know why "we" had the vaccine seen as we still have to isolate! What's the point?? If we are less likely to need hospital intervention then let us crack on with our lives!"

Fiona Bell: "Are we now saying the vaccine is no good, I can't get my head round all this, with the majority of folk having had the vaccine what on earth is going on?"