Following the Government’s decision to ease restrictions on social distancing and mask wearing, Carlisle residents gave their views on so-called ‘Freedom Day’.

In a survey conducted on the first day of the change in the laws, shoppers gave a variety of responses were given by shoppers who had ventured to the city centre.

Joseph Sutton expressed his belief that the cost of more lockdowns could simply be unworkable.

He stated: “I’m not sure we can afford another lockdown. It’s a big milestone, I’m looking forward to the future. I feel it will make a lot of people feel a lot better.

Despite Mr Sutton’s assertions, the overwhelming majority of responses did show evidence of the public deciding to err on the side of caution of the time being.

In this vein, Polly Herring stated that he felt the public had already begun to pay less attention to previous guidance.

“For me, a lot of people have already relaxed the rules themselves.You’ve got a situation where people who weren’t wearing them will not now.”

Similarly, News & Star readers took to Facebook to give their opinions on the debate.

Reader Clare Leigh took a balanced view of the new regulations stating: Live and let live. Nothing stopping anybody wearing a mask if that’s what they want to do. Equally it’s quite ok not to wear one if that is your wish.”

Terri Leigh Donald agreed saying:I t’s a choice if people wanna keep wearing masks go for it but don’t turn your nose up at people who don’t just crack on with your day and mind your own business.”

The theme continued with fellow reader Tracy Ashbridge commenting: “I won’t judge people that wanna wear one, but I won’t be wearing it and I don’t t expect to be judged for my choice! I’m not stupid, if I have to wear it in certain shops, then so be it!”

Pat Kirkup said: “Will definitely continue wearing mine, out of consideration of others and myself.”