A community centre in Carlisle is hosting an open day to showcase events and activities going on in and around the city.

The open day at Morton Manor Community Centre is being held between 11am and 3pm on Sunday July 25.

The Mayor of Carlisle, Pam Birks, will be attending the event at around 11.30pm to speak with some of the attendees and the stallholders.

Morton Manor Community Centre Manager, Tim Linford, said: "We are delighted to be able to host this event, which is the first of many coordinated by the Carlisle Matters and held throughout the City.

"It’s a marvellous opportunity for families to get out at about now that more of the restrictions have been lifted."

"There is a lot going on in the City and having all groups together under one roof and outside (where possible) makes it very worthwhile. It’s great that GLL can again provide activities for the kids in the magnificent and well-maintained Chances Park.

"We are grateful to the City Council for their financial support and hope for fine weather and a good turnout."

There are still a few spaces left for stallholders.

If you are a charity or third sector organisation and wish to attend please contact the Centre as soon as possible on 01228 531105.