ON September 1 this year, there will be no vacancies for an NHS dentist anywhere in Cumbria.

A Maryport dentist, Curzon Street Dentists, has announced that it will go private on this date.

Deputy Lead Governor for North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC) Linda Radcliffe said anyone who does not now have access to NHS dental treatment would have to travel to Hexham Dental Practice in Northumberland.

“That is 56 miles from Maryport and, of course, an even longer for trip for those living further south.”

Mrs Radcliffe, a Maryport Town Councillor, told a meeting last week that: “This was simply not up to the standard set or demanded by the NHS.”

She said this would affect everyone who would now have to pay for every service provided by the practice.

“I fail to see how we can stand by as representatives of our community and allow the withdrawal of NHS services from those people who chose that as their preferred treatment option.”

She said the cost could lead to people neglecting their teeth and their dental health.

“What about the people who are unemployed, those people who are earning less than living wage, older people who are on a fixed pension or the young people who have no job and no prospects in this part of the country?”

Councillor Carni McCarron-Holmes, chairman of the Cumbria County Council’s Health Scrutiny committee, said the Primary Care Commissioning policy team was responsible for the non-structural framework of dentistry provision.

She said: “The NHS, which provides all our |health and care needs, is groaning with overload and lack of financial input from central Government.

“The NHS is for everyone – in every part of this country.

“There is a need for consistency and a fair approach to address the areas such as ours where there is weakest provision.”

Town councillors agreed to write to Workington MP Mark Jenkinson about the problem, not just in Maryport, but throughout the country.

However, Mrs McCarron-Holmes disagreed.

She said the town council should write directly to Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for Health.

She said: “We need to ask for an urgent review of Maryport’s now dental void.

“Why go to a local MP when you can go right to the top?”.

Councillors, including Mrs Radcliffe, agreed, and a letter will be written to Mr Javid.

The owner of Curzon Street Dentists could not be reached for comment yesterday.