Hundreds more people were told to self-isolate by Test and Trace in Cumbria in the latest week, figures show.

Department for Health and Social Care data shows 5,293 people were told to self-isolate after being in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19 in the week to July 14 – the latest available data.

This was up from 3,628 the week before, and means 8,921 people have been told to isolate in the latest 14 days alone.

Across England, more than 223,000 cases were transferred to the contact tracing system between July 8 and 14, with 475,500 people identified as coming into close contact with someone who had tested positive.

The number of close contacts identified is now the highest observed since the week ending January 20.

The Government has come under fire after businesses revealed they were struggling to cope with increasing numbers of people being "pinged" by the app.