Ten new governors are needed to fill the roles for the Governor's Council at NHS North Cumbria Integrated Care (NCIC).

The unique opportunity is now available to applicants to influence to future of healthcare in the county.

Carole Woodman, lead governor at NCIC, said: "The role of a governor is very interesting and also challenging.

"It is a great opportunity to help improve our local NHS and to ensure accountability between the Trust and the community."

The team manages both acute and community services which means that there a great deal of opportunities for people to get involved with.

This will help to shape the future direction of the trust and the care that it brings to hospitals across Cumbria.

Some of the services that the team cover include: stroke, maternity and A&E units.

The Trust is looking for individuals to become involved and nominate themselves to become part of the NCIC Governors Council.

This is a great opportunity to have a say in healthcare for your community and to feedback your views directly to the Board of Directors.

Peter Scott, Chair of North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Governors have an important role to play in helping to shape and monitor the Trust’s services.

"They are appointed to represent the interests and views of our members and of the public."

If you are interested in taking part you can do so by completing the online nomination form https://www.mi-nomination.com/ncic