A WOMAN who repeatedly attacked her blind husband leaving him with fractures and a dislodged tooth has been jailed for 12 months.

Donna Michelle White, 50, set upon her husband on numerous occasions when she got angry, between November 1 2019 and May 1 2020.

During that time, the violence escalated from attacks with her hands to using weapons on her husband - including a wooden samurai sword.

Officers attended the couple's address to check on the man's welfare after a concerned friend raised the alarm in May 2020.

However White became abusive and attacked an officer as she refused to let them in.

Carlisle Crown Court heard White, who also uses the surname Moore, left her husband with a fractured finger, a fractured nose and a dislodged tooth during the attacks.

She pleaded guilty to three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) and was sentenced to 12 months for each, to run concurrently.

She also admitted a fourth charge of assault by beating of an emergency worker — a police constable — on May 1, 2020, in Kendal.

After she was arrested for assaulting the officer, her husband reported that she had assaulted him regularly from November 2019.

The court heard White's violence had escalated from using her hands to using weapons, including a wooden samurai sword.

When police attended White's home in Kendal in May 2020 to check on her husband’s welfare, she verbally abused them, refused to let them in and sprayed an officer in the face with an aerosol bottle.

She was handed a further month to run concurrently for that offence.

However the defendant, of Fell View,Wigton, but formerly of Waterside, Kendal, denied a fourth count of ABH and a charge of engaging in coercive controlling behaviour.

Those charges were left to lie on the file.

At an earlier hearing, prosecutor Tim Evans said it was not in the public interest to proceed to a trial on those charges as they involve a vulnerable victim.

Isla Chilton for the CPS said: “Donna Moore assaulted her husband on multiple occasions over a six month period, each time she got angry.

"He was unable to see the blows coming down on him so was unable to protect himself.

“Thanks to a concerned friend, the police were able to attend their home, arrest her and bring a stop to the abuse; but not before she threatened and assaulted them too.

“Some male victims of domestic abuse choose not come forward to report the abuse to the police.

"This can be for a variety of reasons, including fear that their masculinity may appear to be diminished.

"This case shows that the CPS is committed to securing justice for all victims, both male and female, and we apply our policies fairly and equally."

In addition to the prison sentence, White was handed a three year restraining order, to keep her away from her victim.

If you are concerned for the welfare of someone you know, contact the police on 101 or in an emergency, call 999.