A YOUNG Workington man has been warned he could be facing a possible jail term after he admitted two counts of fuel-card fraud.

Conor McGee, 29, admitted the offences when he appeared before Carlisle Crown Court.

The defendant, of Newlands Lane South, Workington, dishonestly made a false representation, claiming that he was authorised to use a BP fuel card when he was not.

The second allegation he admitted was a like offence, the court heard. Both offences were committed between August of last year and February 11 of this year.

The defendant denied a third allegation that he stole the fuel card involved. The prosecution told Recorder the judge that the defendant's pleas were acceptable.

The overall value of the fraud offences, the court heard, was around £8,000.

The Judge in the case, His Honour Judge David Swinnerton, told the defendant: "I am not going to pass sentence today because you have no previous convictions.

"But it is a serious offence and it does cross the custody threshold... I am not making you any promises as to what the sentence will be."

The defendant was granted bail and told that he should cooperate with the preparation of a background report.