IT HAS been a busy month for mountain rescuers in Cumbria.

Here is a round up of some of the incidents that teams in the area have been called out to over the past few weeks.


Keswick Mountain Rescue Team were called out twice in one day to carry out a rescue on "treacherous" terrain. 

The team of volunteers were first called to Stake Pass in the Langstrath valley to an injured walker.

Within minutes of their return to base they were called out to rescue a missing teen, who fell while near the summit of Blencathra.

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Striding Edge

Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team (PMRT) was alerted on Tuesday, August 3 by Cumbria Police to a walker who had slipped on Striding Edge while traversing the edge with her family.

The casualty injured her wrist in the process.

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A 13-year-old boy was taken to hospital after slipping and injuring his knee whilst out on a walk with his family between Seathwaite and Taylor Gill Force.

Keswick Mountain Rescue were called out at 1.48pm on August 15.

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High Seat

Mountain Rescue were called out to help a walker who injured their ankle whilst descending a fell.

Keswick Mountain Rescue were called out at at 2.57pm on August 21 to assist the casualty, who had been walking High Seat with his friends.

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Aira Force

Patterdale Mountain Rescue were called out by the Northwest Ambulance Service at around 1.30pm on August 6 to assist with a male who had suffered a fit.

The male was walking up Aira Force with his partner when he suffered a suspected epileptic fit.

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High Rigg

An 81-year-old man slipped on wet rock during his descent off High Rigg on August 18.

Unable to continue his friends dialed 999 and asked for Mountain Rescue help.

Read more here.

For more information on how to stay safe whilst outdoors, visit the Adventure Smart UK website