A councillor has been given a suspended prison sentence for a series of public order offences, including the homophobic abuse of police officers.

Peter Little was intoxicated when he verbally abused and threatened his neighbours over a parking dispute in Maryport, causing them to wave down a passing police car for assistance.

His behaviour deteriorated further when police officers spoke to him, leading to his arrest.

At Workington Police Station he verbally abused a number of police staff and officers, threatened to spit at them and homophobically abused female officers.

He then continued abusing police staff the following morning.

The offences happened in May.

Little was sentenced to 12 weeks custody, suspended for 12months.

He must carry out 100 hours unpaid work, plus a 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement with a 3 month Alcohol Treatment Order.

He must also pay compensation to each victim and £85 court costs.

Pamela Fee, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said: “Peter Little, whilst extremely drunk, made a series of unprovoked verbal threats and insults towards his neighbours after taking a dislike to the position they had parked their vehicle.

“When police officers tried to calm him down, his behaviour worsened and his arrest was unavoidable. Upon arrival in police custody, he insulted numerous members of police staff, using a lengthy tirade of derogatory, scornful and homophobic comments towards officers. He then continued similar insults the following morning after waking up in a cell.

“The CPS and the courts take offences of this nature extremely seriously; the abuse of police officers who are doing their public service will not be tolerated. Furthermore when a victim’s sexuality or perceived sexuality is used as a weapon against them this will result in an increased sentence which is reflected in the sentence Little has received.”