A RETIRED museum curator is to be presented with an army award this weekend.

Stuart Eastwood, former curator at Cumbria's Museum of Military Military Life, is to be awarded a gold medal from the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment on Saturday, September 11.

The award will be presented by Colonel Andrew Kennedy, Deputy Colonel of the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment.

Mr Eastwood said: "It's a great honour to get the medal. It is fantastic.

"It's nice for my work to be recognised. The medal's for me, but I think it reflects the work, in the last 20 years, that the museum has carried out.

"Behind me there's a team of people. Yes, I'm getting the medal, but a lot of the success that the museum has had [has been because of] the people that work there."

Mr Eastwood, who lives in Thursby, is being awarded the medal for creating one of the most highly-rated single regimental museums in the country

He worked at Cumbria's Museum of Military life for 28 years before retiring in February 2020.

During his time there, he secured a £1.4million Heritage Lottery grant which enabled the Museum to move locations within the Castle and develop it into a modern attraction with high-class exhibitions and displays.

Based within Carlisle Castle, the Museum tells the story of Cumbria’s County Infantry Regiment and its soldiers past and present.

Andrew Dennis, Chair of the Trustees of Cumbria’s Museum of Military Life, and himself a veteran, said:

“I am delighted that we are finally able to award this richly deserved medal to Stuart Eastwood as a fitting recognition of his achievements.

"Stuart’s exceptional contribution to the heritage of the local infantry regiment started as the Keeper of the King’s Own Collection in Lancaster and he has given an unbroken 34 years of service.

"His achievements during this period have been transformational, overseeing the Museum move into better premises, with a vastly improved exhibition.

"Stuart has created a museum that is now able to play such a great role in the life of the Regiment, and the community, both within Carlisle and beyond.

"The trustees are delighted that the Regiment saw fit to award the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Medal to Stuart, and that the Deputy Colonel of the Regiment is coming to present it personally.”

The presentation will be attended by the Board of Trustees, the committee of the Friends of the Museum and staff. Stuart will be accompanied by his wife Peg.